Shotgun Fun Fun

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Name: Shotgun Fun Fun
Works on: windowsWindows 7 and above
Developer: Rising Sun Legacy
Version: 1.4
Last Updated: 17 Apr 2017
Category: Arcade
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Works on: Windows 10 | Windows 8.1 | Windows 8 | Windows 2012
File Format: zip

SHA1 Hash: 05f8f16cdd11f1f25d7cb8818b5ef4a40584ff92
Game Platform: PC | Windows
Price: Free
Size: 3.15 MB

Rating: 2.1904761904762 out of 5 based on 63 user ratings
Downloads: 1364
License: Free
Shotgun Fun Fun is a free game by Rising Sun Legacy and works on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 2012.
You can download Shotgun Fun Fun which is 3.15 MB in size and belongs to the games category Arcade.
Shotgun Fun Fun was last updated on 2017-04-17 and is currently at version 1.4.
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Shotgun Fun Fun is an action packed platformer in which you play the role of a trigger-happy dude who has a very powerful shotgun, infinite bullets and a never ending supply of demons to shoot.

Simple and entertaining gameplay

In Shotgun Fun Fun there are no quests, no missions, there is only the need to shoot demons with a loud gun and survive as long as you can while doing so. The world around you is in 2D and you just have to jump from one platform to another, climb ladders and shoot.
Controls are as simple as can be and offer very precise control over the motion of your character. You can use the arrow keys to move around and your mouse to aim the shotgun in the direction of the demons.

Decent animations and effects

Shotgun Fun Fun uses simple graphics that remind you of the classic platformers and uses them to its advantage. Their basic nature makes the game that much more innocent-looking but once you start shooting that gun at the zombies, you soon fill the walls with blood splatter and the bodies just pile up.
For a 2D game with a rudimentary look, there’s more gore than you would expect but on the good side, the effects can be turned off.
Shotgun Fun Fun actually is loads of fun since it’s a very dynamic game in which you have little to no time to get bored. Demons can be found everywhere and they have this need to constantly jump on you, luckily you can blast them away while they are in mid-air.

Watch your back because they are everywhere

To conclude, if you're looking for a fun 2D action game that is sure to steal a good bunch of hours from your day, then Shotgun Fun Fun is the way to go.

Shotgun Fun Fun Screenshots

Shotgun Fun Fun screenshot 1 Shotgun Fun Fun screenshot 2